He tried to concentrate on who he was, on whom he wanted to be, though with the incessant techno beats and all the colors of the visual spectrum reflecting upon his retinas he could only retain one thought as his mind involuntarily decided to take a dive from the heights of decency into the ultimate pits of decadence.
While the inner ego of his mind continued to send lucent signals that were lost in the essence of alcohol that so elegantly blocked out all sense, the rest of his body focused upon the sole object that was now before him - the girl that moved her body in perfect rhythm with the oscillating pounds of the unrelenting music machine that seemed to slowly and methodically remove away all sense with each additional electronic note it pounded out.
The sense, the justice, the absurdity of the situation were all lost within the bouncing motion of the chest of the stranger that now danced in front of him – captivating his every sense. His eyes saw nothing else, his mind could focus upon nothing else, and as his eyes met hers it was quite apparent that she had no other focus on her mind either. She was an object, an object to be used and thrown away for the night as just as the stereo would eventually wither off and die so too would his feelings for her – though neither them, neither him nor her would shed a tear at the thought of the cold harsh reality that lay awaiting for them tomorrow. The rhythm, the electronic atmosphere - there was no room for human emotion this night, but only pure raw animalistic desire that had been forced to the forefront of his existence via the electronic induced state that was vehemently amplified through the excess alcohol that now pumped through his veins. With each failed attempt at matching the rhythm and pace of the girl he could feel the alcohol withering through his veins, and droplets of decency slowly leaving his body - perspiring throughout his pores leaving him with the chilling poison that had since been diluted by the drops that now fled without hesitation at the ominous thought of the oncoming events.
“I Love your shirt” she would exclaim in an exuberant sense of empowerment as the alcohol turned her into a doubtless immortal, and the rhythm of the techno threw her to the status of Goddess. His forefront, his prowess, his reflexes all adamantly forced the sense of a piece of fresh meat awaiting to be devoured upon his immediate mind - while the last remaining drops of decently trickling out while his inner psyche desperately pleaded that his animalistic complex to subside though it was of no use - for tonight he was a wolf. He had become a wolf in the clothes of man searching for a quick meal to end the droughts of hunger that had plagued him like a strange and stringent disease without cure.
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