BN. In "I am Charlotte Simmons" there is such a concept of a "Badass Intellectual". The concept alludes to those intellectuals who are cowboys, rebels, outcasts that merely pave their own way through life - taking whatever they can get without following a path.
Enter Bn.
Bn is about as "Intellectually Badass" as you can get without hitting the big time. What does that mean? Bn is the type of person that enters your world in the midst of your strange delusional fantasies only to have you take a huge step back into reality. He reminds me of a classic non-cookie cutter mold which stands out in the midst of all those who walk through life in the mold, or image, of something they hide behind. Its for this very reason of being a "cookie-cutter mold" that Bn hates the idea of being classified as anything, and as a result the only classification you could give to him is "Badass Intellectual." The man is unreal; his mental abilities are about the highest I’ve seen - though he isn't a genius by nature. He has a calm resolve about him that allows him to step back and analyze situations. Interestingly enough, he also has the day-to-day academic discipline that enables him to surpass me academically - far surpass.
I was never one to communicate my feelings well, at least not through a direct conversation or action, though I would like to leave this entry at:
I've certainly have not had many friends through my life, and as a result my friendship towards Bn really means a lot. I won't forget it.
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