Political/Social Theory
1. BN and I had a conversation concerning politics
2. Brother received his failing grades
To start off he asked me, "What my problem with gays were?"
After merely stating that I didn’t like them, he continued to press on and went into the usual...
"Well, when I find someone doesn’t like homosexuals, its usually something inside of them, they personally have a problem with it. So are you a homophobe or what?"
Needless to say I was extremely displeased with this comment. I had always thought Bn to be a step above me intellectually, or at least on a day-to-day level. He has a duel major, while mine is merely a single major, plus the fact that of all the higher math classes we have taken he has greatly excelled in. I certainly do not want to paint the picture that he is far superior to me, rather I would say on a day-in-day out schedule he has the discipline/academic strive to out perform me. Though this conversation was clearly not illustrating that. The entire idea of reducing something of this complex nature to that of a, "are you homophobe?" was so ridiculous that I believe even he was taken back by it and I could see him, casually, falling back and trying to throw out that word.
He continued to spout of a few comments, comments that I felt were completely below his intellect though I restrained on the basis that I did not want to get into a drawn out debate on social politics seeing as how I can become rather fanatical.
I did not want to get drawn into a debate on social politics!
I knew I could destroy every argument he threw out, but in doing so I would open up my entire political/religious viewpoint that would allow him to see exactly where I stand on every issue. We've always seemed to make it a point to never get involved in politics, though this time it changed. I merely spent the conversation throwing out small arguments that would combat his and didn’t completely give away my political view. I felt my small “outer recesses of my political view arguments” were enough to at least combat his every argument, if not defeat them, however, we ran out of time as we both had to head to class.
How unfortunate…
2. My brother received his school grades. Yes, I do have a brother, even though I spend most of my time acting as if I don’t. The old man threw out a sheet displaying his Algebra II grade to me today and asked me to define it for him. The grade was a 78 or so which, needless to say, had the old man a little concerned over it. Knowing my brother is sometimes unruly and lacks discipline, and having some small sympathy for the teacher, I tried to present a non-bias statement towards the report card saying that the 78 could be justified, or it could not be - I needed more information. After talking with someone else it occurred to me that the teacher was a complete nut job and it was in fact my brother who deserved a higher grade. After realizing I came down on the wrong side it had me thinking about life. Somehow the entire idea of a kid being thrown out by a monstrous machine created by society seems so sad to me. Maybe it’s the idea that justice is never fulfilled, or that whole "human-condition" paradox that never seems to be resolved. In either case, I'm sure I’m not the only one shedding a tear tonight.
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