Dream of MM

It took place in a dorm room, though not a conventional dorm room. It was much like a house in which she had her own room, while the other guests of the house, other college students, had their own rooms as well. Her room was juxtaposing a type of "family room", which was connected to a kitchen type room where the kitchen and dinner table were joined. So during the entire first half of the dream MM and I concocted a plan in which we would head up to her room and have sex. While in there, MM begins stripping and gets down to her bra. She smiles and asks me if she is beautiful; without hesitating I respond, genuinely, "You look just like Julia Roberts". (Which is funny, because she doesn’t at all.) So, without warning there is a knock at the door and as a result MM flies out of the room and attends to something else. No problem, waiting a few minutes never hurt anyone. I sit down on the bed and begin to wait for her return, as the minutes begin to tick by. Suddenly, a professor, with two students, enters and begins to show them around on some type of open house tour - so naturally they decided to show everyone her room. Frantically, I tried to get them out of the room in hopes that when MM returns we would be ready to continue where we left off. I stand up and begin going through a spiel about the university in a vain attempt to usher them out of the room. It works, after a few minutes they leave and I once again begin waiting for MM to return. After they leave, her roommates show up and begin working on their semester projects in the room, which I find to be an incredible disappointment. I'm just trying to get with one girl, and it seems as if the entire world is working against it...
Continuing on with the tradition of interruptions, I open her dorm door only to find it leads to a type of family room, in which I see a member of my family there asking me for something to eat. @#$@ing unreal. I rush off to some kitchen in search of food trying desperately to get him out of the place and MM back in....
Long story short - events, and people, continue to show up throughout he dream, impeding my progress. Finally, after everything has occurred I realize it is impossible for me to get with her - fate just would not allow it. So I sit down at her computer and begin writing to my journal on there. In the upper left hand corner I write:
Zero - ClouD
…And leave the rest of the page a blank white sheet.
After thinking about the concept of randomly sitting down at someone's computer and posting things on the Internet, I begin to think of it as a question of etiquette and log off the computer. Before I do I save the work to the computer, and leave. I turn back, thinking saving the work was a bad idea, and frantically try to find it on the machine. I fail, I can’t find where the computer saved it to and am desperately running out of time – as I don’t want to get caught writing Zero – ClouD on a computer machine that would link me to the journal.
Last act:
I turn from the computer, realizing the entire day was for naught, and begin heading out the door. As the door opens MM is standing there ready to come back in. I look at her, she returns the look as if to say, "You're leaving?" but she remains silent. I walk past her out the door. Interestingly enough, after all the work I've gone through, I decide to turn back and at least make one more attempt to get with her - as she is now back in the dorm, it couldn't hurt. I open the door, and without stepping into the room, I can see her sitting with three other guys at a large table. I turn and walk out of the entire house, or dorm, alone.
Tell me that isn’t symbolic.
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